Case study: Interim Finance Manager in Automotive Industry
Pavel took over the position of Finance Manager of the manufacturing plant of Schneider Electric Pisek in July 2009, and his temporary mission ended in November 2009.
He came into difficult situation regarding the Finance department, as there was missing Finance Manager for some months, and he joined the team just before the period of 2010 Business Plan preparation.
From what I’ve seen, Pavel is a senior management executive with a substantial level of relevant experience from various company functions. His most valuable contribution is the ability to share this experience with his clients and willingness to help them to capitalize such ideas and the capability to create new solutions of difficult things.
He brought to our company an external view of a standalone entity management, showing quick adaptation and understanding to the Business Model used in such complex company.
He redesigned procedure for currency operations to be more efficient, this was done by changing a workflow and by putting into action the respective SAP procedure upgrade. This change brought us a remarkable currency transactions cost reduction.
Pavel also facilitated a refinancing of company debt by a new type of credit, much more adjusted to the business needs, which also led to dramatic annual interest expense savings.
Apart from these major issues, we also substantially decreased annual audit fee, as a result of price negotiation.
In summary, Pavel brought to our company, in a very limited period of time, annual savings in the value of 1,42 % of 2010 sales. During his months with our company, apart from day to day Finance Department management, we did also a cross functional CAPEX process redesign as a consequence of headcount reduction in Finance Department, forced by external economic conditions and led by Pavel, and prepared a persistent provisioning policy to make company results more transparents.
As Pavel seems to be more strategy and “helicopter view” oriented, in order to increase his efficiency for his future projects, I would recommend him to work together with a team of detail focused persons to action and visions.